Monday, February 15, 2010

Greenstone (Ontario) has New Spring Litters Coming!

Lovely Long Coated Black Tricolor Female P:uppy Four Weeks old
Red and White Short Coated Male Puppy Four Weeks Old
Greenstone Kennels is proud to share photos of some their first litter of the year above..They are both reserved at this time.

Greenstone Kennel is pleased to annouce that they have two spring litters coming around the first part of May.

Check out all the info on our website at
Lots of information on the breed and our kennel at the main site

We are currently taking Reservations on our spring litters.


Unknown said...

These puppy looks so cute.... I really wan to have a such cute puppy... So I can play with her at any time...
Dumpster Rental

Unknown said...

So small & cute. Really pretty..
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